The benefits of massage therapy - 5 reasons why you should start getting regular massages

We all love a good massage. Be it to de-stress at the end of a long day, ease muscular tension after a good workout, get better sleep at night, or simply because it feels amazing (raise your hand if you’re with me!) – we sometimes like to treat ourselves.

We just feel better, and lighter after a relaxing massage. But, much like physical exercises, consistency is key. You feel great, stronger after a good workout. But one good workout on the odd occasion won’t get you where you want to be.

Whether you’re new to the massage table or you just haven’t made time for it, lately, this is why you should make massage therapy part of your self-care routine:

1.       Reduces tension in the muscles and eases muscular pain

A massage is just what you need to help your muscles relieve tension after a gym session or ease muscular pain that comes with both a physically demanding job and a desk-bound one. Sore neck, sore back, sore everything. We overwork our muscles and we do it constantly – we can’t avoid it. Massage therapy helps muscular recovery, which is why making it part of your routine will keep you feeling good in the long term.

2.       Massage helps treat back pain

Massage makes for a great add-on when it comes to managing back pain, its effects going as far as reducing the need for painkillers. But keep in mind that while a back massage can do wonders short term, it can take months to recover from a back pain flare-up, so you will need to decide on the right course of treatment with your massage therapist.

3.       Massage is good for headache relief

Headaches are amongst the most common health complaints. So many people are affected by them, sometimes even daily.

But did you know that headaches are most often caused by tension and knots in the neck, shoulders, and upper back? Head massage combined with neck, shoulder, and back massages helps to loosen up tension in those muscles, which is crucial for releasing a headache. Massage helps improve circulation, as well, which leads to the removal of toxins in the bloodstream, helping soothe the headache.

4.       Massage improves sleep + reduces stress and anxiety

Massages help the release of serotonin – the happiness hormone, one that makes us feel good. Melatonin – the hormone that makes us fall asleep, is made of serotonin. By encouraging the release of serotonin, massage therapy helps lower stress and anxiety, which results in better, less disturbed sleep. 

5.       Massage improves joint mobility and flexibility

Massage relieves tension in the muscles – as mentioned earlier. By relieving tightness and tension in the muscles, the inelasticity of muscular tissue decreases, leading to a better range of movements. That means better joint mobility and flexibility – just to add to the list of massage benefits. 

There are different types of massage treatments – starting with the ever-so-popular Swedish massage, deep tissue, hot stone massage, head massage – you name it. Finding what works for you, along with a good massage therapist, can make a world of difference in your life.